“I have worked to build and maintain strong professional relationships”: Omar Abedin

Omar Abedin is the Chief Marketing Officer at Graana.com. He has worked at strategic positions for national and multinational companies. He shares secrets to success and career-building insights in this exclusive interview with Karvan.org 1. From a Product Officer at Philips Pakistan in 1992 to Group Chief Marketing Officer of Graana.com in 2019, how much have […]

‘Reading and observing are the keys to good writing’, says Muneera Adil

Muneera Adil is a seasoned writer. She has been contributing to Pakistan’s print media for over nineteen years. Her writing prowess and acumen add value to her writing.  She talks to Karvan in this exclusive interview.  1. How did you venture into the world of freelance writing? Since my student life, I have been pursuing […]

I want to serve my country with dedication – Umar Narejo

Umar Narejo has a keen sense of what is happening in Pakistan and across the world. He is the author of “Know it, Understand it then Change it”, a book about current affairs.  1. How challenging was it to publish a book at such a young age? It was challenging for me to write a […]

“I find myself completely committed to educating people” – Danish Sayanee

1. What were the origins of the Institute of Excellence in Learning and Teaching? The Institute of Excellence in Learning and Teaching originates from the core concept that learning is an ongoing process. However, we cannot identify the real from what looks real. Therefore, from our platform, we try to bring only the most genuine […]

Communication Design is a field of collaborations – Tazeen Hussain

1. What are your roles and responsibilities as the HoD, Department of Communication Design at IVS? I have to develop and lead on the strategic direction of the department. This includes current and future curricula and expansion, human resource development and acquisition, infrastructure, cultivation of partnerships and public relations. It also involves creating and awareness […]

Creativity comes from emotional expressionism – Neil Uchong

Neil Uchong has been following his passion to create graffiti of all shapes and sizes. He is a full-time artist exploring his inner creativity and a platform for aspiring Pakistani artists. He talks to Karvan in this exclusive interview.  1. Who is Neil Uchong? Neil Uchong is a multi-ethnic artist representing Pakistan internationally. He comes […]

Hareem Fatima – Promoting literature, one step at a time!

1. What is LitLight? Litlight started with the dream to solve the problems which aspiring writers/poets/authors were facing across Pakistan. We observed that there are comparatively fewer opportunities in Pakistan for writers/authors to promote themselves or to polish their skills. As social entrepreneurs, we formally launched Litlight with the following mission: 1) Promote writers 2) […]

The next generation will ride our wave – Anarchy

Anarchy is a HipHop revolution gradually making its presence felt across Karachi and Pakistan. The BBoys of this dance crew, led by BBoy Taishi, sit with Karvan to talk about who they are and where they are headed.  1. What is Anarchy, and did you guys first thought of forming this crew? Anarchy is a […]