Abdul Majid Khan, owner and content creator at Comics By Majid, talks to Karvan about how he entered into the world of illustrations and sketches.
1. Tell us about yourself?
I am a finance professional and qualified my ACCA back in 2014. I am 100% Karachi guy
2. How did you become a graphic artist?
I have always been into drawing since I was a kid but as I choose finance after intermediate I could never really polish my skills. I have learned to sketch through a self-learning process of watching video tutorials on YouTube.
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3. What is the mission of Comics by Majid?
Initially, it was made just to pass the time. I didn’t have any vision when I started it but later I realized the impact it was making. Some people sent me their issues asking to raise awareness through my illustrations. It was then that I started taking it seriously and stopped making political illustrations and tried my best to stay unbiased and impartial with my content.
4. How did you, a finance guy, ended up as an artist?
Finance is a very dry field. I was living alone in Bahrain back in 2014 and had nothing much to do after office hours so I started drawing. I don’t prefer calling myself an artist because my art or drawings are kinda below average so I classify myself in the category of an entertainer or a content creator.
5. From where do you get the inspiration to create your designs?
We Pakistanis are amazing people and full of energy. I just have to keep an eye on what is happening politically, in the media industry, sports, in our relatives, in our homes and on the roads and I can get very amazing ideas everyday.
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6. How long is the process from brainstorming to execution?
Sometimes it takes a few minutes and sometimes it can take hours. There’s no specific time.
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7. Your message for the youth of Pakistan?
I would request everyone to keep working for the betterment of Pakistan and always do what is in the best interest of Pakistan. The current tax filing scenarios are an example. You may oppose the current government but you should never oppose the country. Never fall for the scams of anti-state elements. Always love the soil!
Note: All images are taken from the Facebook page of Comics by Majid
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